Tuesday 7 October 2014

What is REAL GOOD Char Siew (BBQ Pork) that can melting inside your mouth???

I have 2-3 years experience in cooking homemade char siew (BBQ pork).  But ...

Why I need to do so ??? since outside are plenty restaurant and food store I can buy char siew easily !!!


In Malaysia, there are only few restaurant and food store that can make REAL char siew... but either it is too expensive or too clouded (you need to fight for seat, and sometime it will sold out before lunch time !) I will share with you about these restaurant in later part, hence this blog is to share about making REAL char siew.

Sorry to say; 99% of the char siew you can buy from outside, I would not consider it is the REAL char siew... I want. Usually you will get; dry char siew... fat char siew  ... coloring char siew ... something like char siew ... :)))))

So, what is the REAL char siew? to me:
1.) 30% fat 70% meat (which part of pork meat ?)
2.) must be able to melting inside my mouth.
3.) moderate roasted aroma and outlook
4.) coated with sugar or maltose.
5.) inside meat carry some wine aroma and marinate sauce
(marinate sauce is subjective to personal, some prefer less sweet, can be adjust accordingly)

KEY to make char siew that can melting inside your month:
1.) which part of pork you use.
2.) roasting temperature, time, and step.
3.) Sugar or maltose coating.
ALL above are so important, either 1 make mistake, the outcome may spoil !

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