Thursday 9 October 2014

What Appliances can use to make your "HOMEMADE" Char Siew ?

I Believe, most of us noticed that; restaurant outside are commonly using a modified big drum to roast Char Siew, Some of them using "Siew Lup" drum to roast, High-end restaurant may use commercial type electric / gas giant oven to roast Char Siew. 

At home, this is almost impossible :))) 

Luckily we are living in 21st century. There are some household electric appliances can help us mange it ! 
I mean roasting, not cooking. 

You have 2 options;

1.)Household type roasting oven.
pro: can cook more in quantity
cons: temperature control and cleaning issue.
(temperature inconsistent usually happened on aging oven) 

2.) Halogen Oven
pro: easy control temperature and clean up after cooked.
cons: small quantity, may last you 2-3 years only???
(please go google what is Halogen Oven, basically is using halogen heat and air circulation to cook all type of foods)

Both appliances can be use to roasting Char Siew at home. I would say, is better to have both for difference occasion. If you only cook for you and your honey; use the Halogen oven. If want to cook for 8-10 person or more; go for Roasting Oven.  

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