Wednesday 15 October 2014

STEP 2 : Marinate the Pork Belly

Marinate Process is important, it help to increase the Char Siew taste and tendering the pork, I advice to marinate the pork overnight (8-12 hours) in refrigerator, instead of using artificial method to increase the taste and tendering the meat... because this is "homemade" Char Siew for our loved one and our-self :)    

You may refer to my 1st post about my marinate recipe, follow my recipe for the first time and modify your own version in future. Marinate mixture usually can last more than 1 month if your keep properly inside chiller. Rose wine is an essential ingredient, try to remain in your recipe, the Cantonese Char Siew will have this aroma.  


1. Choose pork belly that I mentioned on previous post, about 1-2kg. Recommend; 15-20 inch wide, 15-20 inch long, 2-3 inch thickness, fat-lean-fat, FRESH!!!  

2. Remove the Pork Belly' skin. Skin is on top of the 1st fat layer, use your own way or you can consult others how to do it. Usually I use big kitchen knife to remove the skin.

3. Wash carefully after remove the skin, following by dry up the pork belly (using kitchen towel), as dry as possible. Excess water will dilute the marinate mixture and cause the marinate mixture can't stick properly on the pork belly surface.

4. Use the multiple headed pin to poke some small holes on all the surfaces, you can use fork to replace if you don't have, anyway you can easily buy from utensil shop. This will help to fasten and improve the marinate result.

5. Cut the pork belly into 1.5 x 15/20 inch strip. Put all strip inside a big bowl or container.

6. Put reasonable quantity of sugar and rose wise, massage the pork belly for 1-2 minutes. Sugar enough to cover up all surface, rose wine 5ml will do (too much will cover other ingredients's taste).

7. Keep in chiller for 3 hours, reason; let sugar and rose wine penetrate into pork belly first, because marinate mixture is taste stronger than sugar and rose wine, if put together, can hardly get the rose wine and sweet taste inside the pork.

8. After 3 hour, take out the pork belly from chiller, you will see some water inside the bowl, filter out the water and remain the pork belly inside the bowl. Put some Five Spice Powder on the pork belly (about 5-8g), just enough to minor cover up the surface will do, Message for 1-2 minutes. this is for taste and color purpose, too much will make the char siew taste like Nam Yu Pork.    

9. Put in the marinate sauce, quantity that enough to cover all the pork belly, message for 1-2 minutes. Keep inside chiller for another 8-12 hours. 

*** Advisable to cover up the bowl or container during marinate period, in order to avoid other weird smell inside the chiller penetrate into our pork belly.   


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